About Adrian Brooks

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Hello, I am a musician from Melbourne, Australia. I have recently become born again and have found new musical inspiration in the lord. I have been performing and composing music for many years. I released an album last year called the dawn, which was not a Christian release which is available across most major online platforms. I have just released my first Christian release, an EP called ‘Sonic Faith’. I attend a church in Melbourne city called ‘St Paul’, and will be baptised there shortly. My life is changing. Through prayer I am growing as a person. I am also at the moment attending bible study and baptism classes at my current church.

To learn more about him, visit his Website: http://adrianbrooksmusic.com

Email: adrianb69@icloud.com
Favorite Charity: https://www.my.salvationarmy.org.au/donation/landing-pages/donate_appeals
(The Salvation Army)