I am a beginning songwriter who wants to share his God-given talents with as many people as possible. On Friday, 12 April 2019, I released my first original song called “Song of My Heart.” It is a simple, humble prayer that has been put to words and music. There are more songs forthcoming. I am also a 30-year honorable discharged United States Navy Veteran. I also love studying the scriptures and have read the Bible in its entirety nine times in my life.
I am a 30-year honorably discharged United States Navy veteran. I started writing music in 2018 at the age of 60. My first original song called “Song of My Heart” was released on 12 April 2018. Each of my songs tells a part of my life story. I write songs that appeal to people of all faiths and walks of life.
Email: keithlbrown@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KeithLBrown
Favorite Charity: https://www.freedom424.org/ (Freedom 4/24) Please see the Donation page for more information.
Favorite Charity: https://advancingnativemissions.com/ (Advancing Native Missions) Please see the Donation page for more information.