
Welcome to our visitors!

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06/30/20 Stephen Lightner – New York, United States:  I am a Christian songwriter/artist, producer, audio engineer, arranger, and music educator, with a Bachelor’s in Music Education being completed in December, 2020. This website and group looks to be an awesome tool for Kingdom music being used for ministry. Keep it up! God bless!

05/02/20 Mariela – New York, United States:  I’m one of the worship leaders at church. I also write and sing my own songs. I’m working on putting together a little studio at home.

01/28/20 Levi Maxwell – New Hampshire, United States.

04/29/19 Céline Bouchlarhem – Bourges, France: Peace for you ! et oui à la restauration de Notre-Dame de Paris. Salam aleikoum warahmatoulah wabarakatouh #jeSuisNotreDamedeParis! Wallah! Céline Bouchlarhem d’ Ummacademy 31 Allée des Hauts de Berry 18000 Bourges

04/09/19 Confraternity of Holy Ghost Disciples (COHGD) – South London, United Kingdom: For people who want to use prayers to change the face of the earth. John 14:12

01/07/19 Ray W Smith – Mississippi, USA: Great site to share songs of praise and worship, The Lord is our refuge, our strength in times of weakness, He is The Rock to which I cling.

11/02/18 Damien – Modiin, Maakabim – Reut, Israel: God Bless you all.

07/29/18 Fan Zhou – Ningbo city, Zhejiang province, the P.R. of China

06/22/18 John Odland – New York, USA: Great Site!! Thank you for sharing it!!

02/12/18 Steven Arthur Duplessie – Maine, USA

01/28/18 Lee McIntyre – Hampshire, United Kingdom: It is very difficult to find a genuine site promoting the music that has been created while in prayer to the Lord. God bless you and your site.

10/02/17 Lee Leslie – Wyoming, USA: I’ve been praying about a site to send my Christian music. My music has been on my computer for up to 13 years but no place to send it until now. I’m looking forward to give you a try. Thanks

05/22/17 Rob Saranpa – California, USA

10/02/16 Chaplain Scott Dow – Maine, USA

06/08/16 Kelli Rose – Rhode Island, USA: Love having a place to visit where I can hear the beautiful voices of my “little big sis’s” in the Lord! Love the new songs! Thank you for your “yes’s”! You are such an inspiration!

05/19/16 Vicki S. Filipiak – Wisconsin, USA: I am interested in viewing your site as the content is very much interest to me!

05/19/16 cjfaris – Maine, USA

04/26/16 Danny Vaughn – Illinois, USA: I love Jesus Christ and Christian rock music!

03/13/16 Kelly – Georgia, USA

03/10/16 Ronda Dent – Mississippi, USA

01/14/16 Dave Roderick – Maine, USA

01/06/16 Susanne Degrasse – Maine, USA: All glory to God

01/01/16 Charles Ferguson – Maine, USA: Dorothy Herbert put me onto this site. She is a wonderful Christian Woman whom I see at my workplace on a regular basis. She is truly filled with the lord and is an excellent witness for him and his works. God Bless, Charlie Ferguson

12/11/15 Edie Beaulieu – Maine, USA: I thought it was about time I checked out the site. Nice job!

11/14/15 David Enright – Hawaii, USA: WOW!! What a Great ministry/service you offer. Thank you very very much! Did you ever consider offering a Teaching section besides the music? God Bless! Dave

10/03/15 Elizabeth Blankenship – Texas, USA

08/23/15 Ronald Williams – Victoria, Australia: Hello new to your webpage look forward to hearing your great music

07/29/15 Sophia Y. Hickle – Florida, USA

07/17/15 Emily A. Schroeder – Maine, USA

03/06/15 Carl Schroeder – USA: Ok, so I’m not a visitor! This is my site, but I had to make sure that this worked the way I hoped it would!