What’s New!

To help keep you informed of the latest submissions and changes to the site.

Items will fall off this list after 60 days

New Artist:
Gregg Geil

New Artist:
Levi Maxwell

New Artist:
Mark Ruppert

New Artist:
Bryan Stewart

New Artist:
Michael Sangster

New Artist:
Katie Braswell

New Artist:
Amelia Maharaj

New Song:
Keith Brown

New Artist:
The Outreach

New Artist:
Dande Dupuy

New Artist:
Oluchi Edmund

New Artist:
Cassandra Logan

New Artist:
One More Block

New Artist:
Freddy Gonzalez

New Artist:
Norm Sahm

New Song:
Vertical Perspective

Removed the artist Answer Sopher per his request


Please consider providing feedback to our songwriters. Most have provided a means of contacting them, or use the contact form on this site and your comments will be forwarded to the songwriter.